Porridge 5 ways
Porridge 5 ways is a post that will help all breakfast lovers!
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I think that breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. Well actually I just love food, so maybe every meal time is my favourite but today, I feel like its breakfast.
Breakfast can be so varied, it can be super sweet or totally savoury and I love both. If I had to choose though it would definitely be a sweet breakfast, I have such a sweet tooth!
I vary my breakfasts and like to experiment but I am definitely someone who sticks to seasonal eating when it comes to my breakfast choices. I love smoothies and smoothie bowls but usually only make these in the spring and summer, I never really fancy them in the cooler months.
In the autumn and winter I like comforting breakfasts and porridge is one of my favourites for this. A little while ago I posted a recipe all about how to make the perfect porridge; you can check this out here.
Oats are brilliant for filling you up until lunch because they are slow release, meaning they slowly release sugar into your body, giving you a slow release of energy opposed to a quick high. It also means that it takes a while to be digested so they keep you feeling full for longer. They also have great nutritional benefits like lots of fibre. I like to use gluten free oats to add to my overall health.
In this post I will share with you my favourite porridge flavours. Some of these are just toppings and some are additions to the porridge while cooking, either way they are all super quick and simple. I assure you that there will be something in here that you will love!
First up
Very berry

This is so simple and easy but often overlooked. Don’t overlook the power of berries people! Not only are berries packed full of beneficial nutrients they are so flavourful and give this porridge a real kick.
I use strawberries, raspberries and blueberries and then drizzle my favourite maple syrup over them, easy peasy! Also great knowing you have had so many of your fruit and veg quota first thing in the morning.
How to prepare
Gently wash your berries under cold running water, then lay them on a plate with some paper towels mop up any excess liquid.
Trim the tops of your strawberries to remove the greenery and slice them to your desired thickness. I like to slice them quite thinly; this will make them go further, otherwise the berries in my house are completely gone within a couple of days.
Now after you have followed my “best porridge recipe”, add it to a bowl. Add your sliced strawberries, raspberries and blueberries to the top of your porridge and drizzle over some maple syrup to finish.
Coconut and blueberry

I love coconut everything, food, the smell, my shampoo is even coconut! I can’t get enough. This topping is a must try if you are a fan of coconut.
How to prepare
Start with the blueberries. For this recipe I use frozen blueberries, which is extra comforting in cold weather as you heat them up which is lovely when it is cold outside. Add them to a pan and top with a splash of cold water and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat to a simmer and add a splash of maple syrup or honey and simmer for ten minutes until they are soft and heated through.
To the bowl of porridge, add the blueberries and a little of the juice that will be left behind.
Sprinkle on some coconut, I use dessicated coconut, I always have this to hand, but you could use coconut pieces if you prefer. Finish by drizzling over some maple syrup and enjoy.
Chocolate, peanut butter and banana

A combination made in heaven, am I right? This one requires you to add 2 teaspoons of cacao powder to your porridge while you are cooking it. Because of this you may want to add a little more plant based milk because it can go a little thicker.
How to prepare
After this add your porridge to a bowl and top with a sliced banana, a big dollop of 100% peanut butter and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup.
Cinnamon roll

This is my take on the flavour of a cinnamon roll. Obviously there is no sugar involved so there is no icing drizzled or brown sugar but it still has that caramelised taste and it is so yummy.
Make up the porridge as usual but while cooking add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon or however much you desire.
How to prepare
Just when the porridge is cooked add 2 large chopped mejool dates and stir well.
Pour your porridge into your bowl and finish with a drizzle of date syrup and maple syrup. This is truly decadent and very sweet, be warned!
Apple pie

Who doesn’t like apple pie? Or apple crumble come to that? I have a great apple crumble recipe, I will post that soon. Now back to the porridge. For this recipe I make the porridge as usual but also add a little apple.
How to prepare
So grab an apple, no need to peel and chop into little pieces. The reason for little pieces is that I want my breakfast to be pretty fast. Not only am I busy but I’m hungry in the morning, always, so I never want my breakfast to take that long!
So add the small pieces of apple to a pan, add a tiny splash of water and a drizzle of date syrup and bring to the boil. When boiling, reduce to a simmer while you cook your porridge in the usual way.
Pour your porridge into a bowl and top with the apple which should be nice and soft but still with a little bite.
Sprinkle on some ground cinnamon and a drizzle of good old maple syrup and voila!
If you are really short on time but really fancy this flavour you can skip the chopped apple and just add some grated apple to your porridge while cooking, it takes no time at all to cook. You can add a little date syrup to the porridge and stir up then finish as above.
So there you have it, 5 ways with porridge! I hope this inspires you to make delicious breakfasts soon.
Health and happiness
Laura x

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