Healthy Mixed Nut Cookies

A cup with tea on a saucer with a cookie

Healthy mixed nut cookies are one of my favorites at the moment. They are just delicious and so easy to make.

I know, I know, the word healthy doesn’t normally go along with the word cookie. Honestly though, these healthy mixed nut cookies are healthy, and I have in fact got several recipes for healthy cookies now, so stay tuned!

Having taken on the momentous task of creating sugar free food for someone who has a very sweet tooth (me). I have become quite good at it.

A spoon with sugar and a raspberry

Only natural sugars are used because that is all I eat. I take a very wide birth around processed / refined sugar because it is one of the biggest causes of inflammation in the body.

I know what you are thinking. You have given up all sugar?!? Yes, all sugar and sweeteners. Was it difficult i hear you ask? Well in a word, YES! It was so hard. My sweet tooth has been crazy since having my children and at the very start of giving up sugar I had bad cravings. I persevered through it though because I wanted to eradicate everything from my diet that could cause inflammation.

It is actually harder than just giving up cake, sweets and desserts though, if only it was that simple. Sugar is actually added to so many things. Like some plant based yogurts and milks! The trick is to read EVERYTHING , on your labels. Although it is easier and more simple to just eradicate most processed food. Although that is very difficult and another post altogether.

I talk about my “why” in a previous post if you re interested you can read it here. Put simply, I want to stay medication free if I can, so it makes sense to eat as healthily as possible.

So my sugar free cooking journey was born. I like to eat sweet things, now I can again, and I have learnt to make them just as good as the sugar versions. Actually better, because every bite is guilt free, bonus! Yes natural sugar is still sugar but if you are going to eat some, natural is better for your health.

A group of ingredients to make healthy mixed nut cookies

Lets talk ingredients. These cookies are made with gluten free oats (because I also do not touch gluten). Oats are a great source of fiber, magnesium and zinc. They are also very filling so you wont feel the need to eat the entire tray of cookies in one sitting. Although no judgment here if you do.

For the sweet components, I use date syrup, which is sweet without being too sweet and also has a good level of fiber. Honey, which is rich in anti-oxidants which have a lot of benefits, and maple syrup. Ultimately these natural sugars, as well as sweetening your food, also have nutrients in them too, like calcium, potassium and iron.

Mixing the cookie ingredients

I used almond butter to help with binding but any nut butter will do. Just make sure it is one with 100% nuts, and not one with extra ingredients added in.

For the nuts, I used pecans, almonds and hazelnuts but you could swap in another favourite if you would prefer.

Cookies on a tray

Chocolate. I do really miss chocolate, especially milk chocolate. In this recipe I use the only chocolate I eat which is 100% cacao chocolate bars. I do this because even the high cocoa content chocolate, have sugar added. I melt the chocolate, add some salt and a splash of maple syrup to make it a little less bitter.

Healthy Mixed Nut Cookies

This recipe uses 3 kinds of nuts and only natural sugar, making them not only delicious but super healthy too!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Snack
Servings 6



  • Preheat oven to gas mark 5. Line two baking trays with baking paper and set aside.
  • Add the date syrup, honey, maple syrup and chunky almond butter to a large bowl. Mix until well combined. Add the gluten free oats, almond flour, salt and all of the nuts and stir together.
  • Spoon a heaped tablespoon of mixture onto a baking tray and continue until no mixture remains.
  • Wet the tips of your fingers and mould and press the cookies into a cookie shape.
  • Bake the cookies in the oven for 20 minutes, until slightly golden. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
  • Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a bowl over a simmering pan of water. When the cookies are cool, drizzle the chocolate over your cookies and leave until the chocolate has hardened. Enjoy!


When you spoon the cookie mixture onto the baking trays you may think you have done something wrong.  They will be crumbly and falling apart.  This is how they should be, this is what you want. When moulding and shaping these, you will feel the nut butter doing its job in binding everything together.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!